Filed under Healthy

Eating (fewer) Animals: Six Tips on Eating Less Meat

Eating (fewer) Animals: Six Tips on Eating Less Meat

I’m about halfway through Jonathan Safran Foer’s fascinating book, Eating Animals. I’m very much a fiction reader, and I do find him a bit of a sanctimonious vegetarian, so I’m finding it a hard slog, but I’m learning a lot. His basic premise is that the consumption of animals has far-reaching implications – for the … Continue reading

A bit on the side

A bit on the side

I wrote earlier this week about smoking a piece of pickled pork for a BBQ. Because the pork was the star of the meal, and quite time consuming, we kept everything else quite simple, quick and easy. Potato salad Steamed new potatoes, and hardboiled free-range eggs. Mix up some mayo (from the jar, shhh!) with … Continue reading